Pȟehíŋ kiŋ líla akhíšoke. (Her hair was heavy.) (2019)

Pȟehíŋ kiŋ líla akhíšoke. (Her hair was heavy.) is a work by Oglala Lakȟóta artist, Kite, which builds on her hair-braid interfaces and new research into AI-generated text. The hair-braid interface is a computer on a 50 foot braid of hair. The computer system itself is made of song, power, sound, processors, machine learning decisions, handmade circuitry, gold, silver, copper, aluminum, silicon, and fiberglass. This hair-braid interface is something between instrument and sculpture, built collaboratively over the last decade with James Hurwitz and Devin Ronneberg. On stage, Kite manipulates the braid which controls the sonified, AI-generate texts. Then, the braid’s software listens to those audio changes and uses machine learning to make decisions about how and when to change the projection of hair. During the 8 minute performance, the audience witnesses a sonic sculpture which is a feeble human attempt to listen without the ears but with the body in relation with AI. The computer’s decisions are audible to human ears, sonifying invisible data. Lakȟóta ontology is an already established way of being, where seemingly ‘inanimate’ objects can be alive with spirit, and Pȟehíŋ kiŋ líla akhíšoke. (Her hair was heavy.) is an experiment in greeting that spirit.

Kite .

Kite (Dr. Suzanne Kite) is an Oglála Lakȟóta performance artist, visual artist, and composer raised in Southern California, with a BFA from CalArts in music composition,and an MFA from Bard College’s Milton Avery Graduate School, and a Ph.D. in Fine Arts from Concordia University, Montreal. Kite’s scholarship and practice investigate contemporary Lakȟóta ontologies through research-creation, computational media, and performance, often working in collaboration with family and community members. Recently, Kite has been developing body interfaces for machine learning driven performance and sculptures generated by dreams, and experimental sound and video work. Kite has published in The Journal of Design and Science (MIT Press), with the award winning article, “Making Kin with Machines,” co-authored with Jason Lewis, Noelani Arista, and Archer Pechawis. Kite is currently a 2023 Creative Capital Award Winner, 2023 USA Fellow, and a 2022-2023 Creative Time Open Call artist with Alisha B. Wormsley. Kite is currently Distinguished Artist in Residence and Assistant Professor of American and Indigenous Studies, Bard College and a Research Associate and Residency Coordinator for the Abundant Intelligences (Indigenous AI) project.


Ínyan Iyé (Telling Rock), 2019


Listener, 2018